
Saturday, 16 July 2011

The Return of New52

As you can see from the above layouts, I haven't given up on the New52 project but it has had a bit of a revamp. I still intend to seek out and then log 52 new experiences this year. It was just proving to be awkward trying to do it on a weekly basis in the way I was originally following it. Some weeks there'd be nothing to report, for others, more than one. I even found myself putting visits off until the following week so that it would fit in. Plus, when on holiday or visiting new places, I'd be having lots of New52 experiences in one go.

So I decided, I preferred to log them in a list format instead, without the limitations of doing one a week. As long as I get to the end of the year, with 52 logged entries, I'll be happy.

It's taken a bit of time, cutting and pasting it all digitally into this new format but it's worth it. Plus I needed to redo the text for some of the entries.

So now I can relax and continue adding to the project as and when something occurs. It's been great fun so far and I do find myself purposefully going out of the way to find somewhere or do something I otherwise wouldn't. For instance, it's easy for me to go to London and be in a rut, just knocking around my favourite haunts each time and miss out on discovering new places, exhibitions and cafes. I would normally stick to what I know and already enjoy. Now, on each jaunt down there, I like to include somewhere I've not tried before.

Right, whether this rain lets up or not, I'm off into Manchester with Nick. You never know, I may discover my next New52 entry whilst I'm there. Pxx


  1. Excellent, Paul - interesting and inspiring. Love the new format, too. You've worked hard on this x

  2. Big TA ever so TA! Loved the read... so many places I'd love to visit and the LOs are worthy of publishing.
    Jo x

  3. Love the new format. Just as effective, but far less pressure on you. The flowery paper is gorgeous! x

  4. This is a great format for classy scrapbooking - and I can see how this is going to build up so beautifully. Lovely!

  5. Thanks for your comment on my blog Paul and if you've time to pop back I've thoguht to add some ancient wedding pics!! Go on ... have a larf!
    Jo x


Thank you to all the beautiful people who take their time out to leave a comment xxxxx