
Thursday, 16 August 2012

You Can Draw on Tags Apparently

Yes, you know it's never before occurred to me that I could simply draw on a tag. Don't ask me why but in my head, I see tags as foundations for adding layers of embellishment onto. Paint, stamp, glue and ink, yes. But the idea of just taking a pen to it, never popped into my wee brain.

So I thought I'd give it a go last night. For starters, you don't need an awful lot to crack on. One tag and a handful of black pens of varying thicknesses.

The rest, well, is up to imagination and inspiration. There is, blissfully, no planning involved and no fixed design idea in my head. I drew a rectangle (albeit a bit wonky) Then swirled some lines within it, creating blocks of space and continued to add doodled patterns within these random shapes.

As a final touch, I added grey with a fleximarker within the design and champagne outside the box.

I'm beginning to remember how useful tags are for experimenting with now. I've been struggling with art journals to explore using different materials, when these have been staring me in the face all the time. It's how I explored the pale, shabby chic style before I started to incorporate it into other crafts.

So I've cut myself a pile of tags and will endeavour to decorate them and play and experiment. Their diminutive size is ideal, as is their lack of purpose. And I don't mean that in a derogatory sense. Cards, journals, ATCs, scrapbook pages, they all have an end in mind. But a blank tag just has to be decorated. In any way, with anything. And if it goes really bad, it can easily be chucked in the rubbish bin and made afresh.

Ahhhhhh. Perfect! Px


JoZart Designs said...

Wow! your doodlings are just superb!
Love Jo x

olive said...

zentangle tag Paul.... awesome. Yes sometimes things are right in front of us and we never 'see' it......but we get there in the end. xxxxx

cockney blonde said...

That's amazing Paul. Looks fabulous, x

alexa said...

Just fantastic ... I love miniature things and tags sound just the right size for some of the things I am experimenting with too, so thank-you for the inspiration. This one is truly stunning. Wish I could find my Zentangle book...

Michele said...

Fab doodling! Very eye catching - love it x

Jeanne J. said...

Creative and imaginative Paul! If I could draw like this I'd never buy a stamp again!

Frank Garcia said...

Oh wow Paul thats truly amazing, beautiful design, I think you are so great at tags, I happen to own a Paul original ;) it's your thing!

Love, Frank

Julia S-W said...

Grrr internet dropped out just as I posted my comment!
Love this tag very much. The monochromatic palette works so well - a bit like black and white photography which in my book is amazing.