
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Book of Firsts

When the New Year was rung in, all those many months ago, one aspect of 2011 went away with it. The New52 project. I completely took to the idea of looking out for and making a record of new experiences, big or small and I had hoped I would find a way to continue with it throughout 2012. However, the idea, like many a resolution, became lost to the ether... that is, until now.

I've been missing the fun from focusing on new experiences and it's been quietly lurking furtively at the back of my mind. Then, this week I was listening to a newly purchased recording of a teleclass given by one of my favourite business authors, Barbara Winter. I am a complete devotee since I picked up a copy of her book, a few years ago, How to Make a living Without a Job and lapped up all the advice on how to set yourself up with a portfolio career.  In the teleclass, I was reminded of some advice which is contained within the book. The idea of keeping a Book of Firsts.

In the book, she mentions keeping one of these when setting up a new business. But in the recording, she broadened the idea out to inviting more adventure into your life. And as I was listening, I was thinking that it sounded remarkably similar to the New52 challenge. Then it clicked. Start looking for and recording all those firsts.

I didn't want to just add to a list in a book, I wanted something more visual. I also knew that to make an actual book, with photos and text would probably peter out during those weeks when I am too busy or away. And last year, I found it much easier to record each event on a digital page.

So I opened up Photoshop and with my newly acquired digital papers from Jodie Lee, The Art Journal Collection, I created a template. All that was left for me to do, was create a new experience for myself. And what could be easier, than following a new recipe.

From Kirsty Wiseman's post here, I went to the Gluten Free page here, printed out this recipe here (yup, I do a lot of blog hopping) and came back from the shops with these...

And within half an hour, I had my very first entry...

Hopefully, once I have created a few of these pages, I will print them out and turn into a book. Though it has only just occurred to me this very second, as I type, that I have forgotten to put a date on it. I'll amend that by the time of the next page. Ahh the joy of digital scrapbooking.

It's good to have a new NEW52 in my life. All feels well in the world again lol



  1. Cool idea... did you use the actually paper and scan it into photoshop? Because I am thinking of taking some of my paper and scaning them into photoshop. I have some ideas. Like alot of my ideas I never act on them, lol. Hope your day going well.


  2. Ok I read your post again. I guess when you said digital paper. That means you download online. Now I feel stupid, lol.

  3. Really interesting post with lots of links - off to google them, especially the gluten-free recipe as your photo makes it look so lovely (and I am keeping away from gluten). Delighted to hear your sense of adventuring has returned! and looking forward to the book. I'm wondering about photobooks now that Blurb give you an InDesign downloaded template ...

  4. Awesome! Will definitely try that recipe, as I'm gluten free. Love the way you used my papers there too Paul!

  5. H'mm, my mouth is watering at the thought of almond butter, Paul - yummy! I love anything nutty. Love this idea, too - a great way to challenge yourself. Could've done that when making all the jams I made earlier in the month, most of them firsts for me - and for that yummy chicken recipe I tried last night... I like the idea but I like the sound of the book even more. Thanks for the inspiration x

  6. What a great idea, instead of writing recipes out I could print them with pictures like this and then make a book. Oh heck, what have you started me on now?
    Love the idea - good luck with it.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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