
Monday, 1 October 2012

October 2012 sees me take on a New Challenge

There's an annual challenge over at The Nester, where hundreds of bloggers commit to writing a post for 31 days for 31 Dayers 2012. Now this isn't a crafter's site as such but I do like the idea of disciplining myself to do something everyday.

I only discovered this on Saturday, so I haven't had a lot of time to prepare. I'd thought about doing a creative project like draw everyday, or making a card/art journal page/tag each day but that relies on my having heaps of time throughout the whole of October. To be realistic, it had to be an idea which I could do which wouldn't take up too much time. I needed to factor in for the days when I have the least amount of time.

So I've decided I would photograph something different from around my house and say a little something about it. Perhaps I'll learn something about myself. Perhaps not. Maybe it will give people an insight into my life. Most probably, it won't. It will, however, give me plenty of excuses to pick up my camera and take random photos of any item within these four walls.

So I'm calling my particular theme...

...and I will endeavour to take a photo and write a paragraph or two about an object in my house, for every day in October. Well, it's a bit like scrapbooking just on a smaller scale. 

So enough of the waffle. To begin...

...My Op-Art cube.  I have a friend who has one of these, except his depicts paintings by Rembrandt. Maddeningly  I can't help but to fiddle with it every single time I visit. It's such a perfect 'coffee table' object. Which is where he keeps his. I don't have a coffee table, so mine sits on a fireplace ledge.

I picked this up in France this year, whilst on holiday, from a gift shop when visiting a sculpture park. There were several different cubes, all focusing on a particular artist and their work. This caught my eye because it doesn't look like pictures unnecessarily chopped up each time into four. It actually feels like it's a piece of art itself. If you haven't seen one of these, the idea is that it unfolds and restructures itself into another cube with different images turning up on the outside. You can just roll it around in your hands, and change it. What can I say? I'm an ex-smoker and biter of nails. I love to unconsciously keep my hands busy. It's deeply wired into my system. If you have one in your house, and I come and visit, I promise you, I'll be kept amused for hours. :)

Until tomorrow....



kjjc said...


alexa said...

What a great project! Looking forward to seeing more and learning more about you through the objects. So far, I can see an eye of shape and pattern, a curiosity about how things work, and the determination to commit to something. I am cheering you on!

Frank Garcia said...

This is so fun Paul, I am excited to see what you have in store for us.


Neet said...

Kule! Love this pop art thingy.
Hugs, Neet xx

Jodie Lee Studio said...

Hey, I love your idea Paul! Can I do it too? Can we start a blog hop with this idea? It's so fascinating!!

Cath Wilson said...

Love this box, Paul and love your posts for the 31 days - some eye opening stuff there - nice to get to know you better :-)