
Tuesday, 9 April 2013

What Makes Me, Me

I nearly resisted the charms of my favourite scrap mistress, the uber-cool Queen of Clean herself Cathy Zielske, but gave in at the very last minute. She began a new class on hybrid scrapbooking, Clean & Simple - The Workshop and though I am no stranger to the CAS style, design or Photoshop, there's no harm in keeping the skills fresh and alive. Besides, Cathy's style and delivery is an absolute joy to log into.

Now I love CAS but I'm not as strictly CAS as Cathy. Nowadays, I like to add plenty of adornments and embellishments to my crafts. However, The Zielsk has advised us humble class attendees, to stick to her style for the moment, whilst she introduces the foundation principles of design. And as much as I want to ignore such sage advice, I have relented and been good with the first layout.

The above was produced with photoshop using a template designed by Cathy. There's little room to input your own style but it is only week one. I believe that we will be encouraged to go our own way a little bit later (it's a 12 week course). For now, we could choose the background and pattern papers. It's hybrid, so though it began life on the computer screen, the text/photographic elements have been printed out, trimmed and used on actual paper.

I went with a black and grey colour scheme to coincide with another course I'm still undertaking on creative style. When working through personal tastes with colour, Black seemed to come out on top, in the answers to the questions set. And as this, the first page, is all about ME, it seemed somehow appropriate.

Thanks for the "get-well" messages I've had. I'm feeling much better today thank you. No more sleeping in front of the TV. I'm now catching up on work and going square-eyed in front of the computer screen instead. I'm not pushing it mind, I want to be in full fighting fitness for the weekend, when I'll be winging my way to London for the Ally Pally Show.


  1. Lovely layout. Glad you a feeling well. Lucky you going to AP. we are resisting all shows I a an attempt to cull the stash but totally wish I was going.

  2. You could always go and window shop :) Or go with cash only to limit spends. I don't normally spend lots at Ally Pally. Px

  3. Great layout Paul. I think I'd struggle with clean and simple! Must give it a go though, it would definitely be a challenge! Looking forward to meeting you Saturday.

  4. Wonderful layout. Rest up and have a great time at the show.

  5. Simply fantastic. I love the clean style. You rocked it! Thanks so much for sharing.

    Frank <3

  6. Lovely to see a scrapbook page from you! And I am feeling a twinge of envy for I decided not to do the CZ class (unusually for me). The black and white is very stylish and I admire your neat aligning by hand :).

  7. Very cool. Ill look forward to seeing the progress.

  8. Fab LO Paul - I love Cathy's style. Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, but glad to hear you're on the mend. Have a great weekend and enjoy the show xx

  9. where do you find all these courses?! I wanna be smart, too!


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