Crewe, in Cheshire, is one of those places you always stop at if you're taking the train but never visit. Well, until now, that was my experience too. However, I've found a really good reason to leave the train when it stops here and it's called The Cubby Hole. Only a 20 minute walk (if you go at my break neck pace) it's a wonderful shop run by very friendly people and the group that meets there are a tremendous bunch.
Yesterday, I had a lovely time at a workshop there, held by the bubbly Sarah Anderson (who is one of the ladies behind the Play Date Cafe). She was showing us tools, tips and techniques to decorate metal (& believe me there are plenty of double entendres used in explaining them but I shall gloss over the conversations we had). We all had a practise session before each being given a book from a charity store to cover. It was then over to us to use our imaginations and come up with whatever design we pleased. I opted for using a texture plate in the centre to create a cobbled effect and to outline with a rivet technique.
I then spent an hour adding colour using Ultra Marine Blue & Teal Staz On inks. I received plenty of complimentary noises and admiration for it but really I was happier when it was just gold. I know, these days I am so far removed from "arty inky". I adore it in other's work though. Everyone else added beautiful arrangements of colour. They all looked so polished and creative (see these here). But for me, out came the cleaner and an hour's worth of inking was wiped out in seconds.
I decorated both the front and the back in the same design and that's the piece I came home with. What you see in the picture here, is the finished book once I added my own embellishments back in my craft room. I stayed with the metallic theme in my choice of decorations except for the black cord of elastic used to create the fastening. Now all I need to do is put the book to use and fill the pages.
And after all the cake and chocolate I ate there, I'm going to have to eat nothing but lettuce for a week. Worth it though.
Aaw - that's lovely Paul. Glad you enjoyed yourself but you were sadly missed (I especially missed you).
Absolutely gorgeous, Paul!! And a class from Sarah, too - lucky you. Love it.
Missed you too xxx
We missed you yesterday and I carted a packet of THOSE sweets for you too!! Your book is fantastic so it was certainly worth missing us for!! tee hee!
Hope you make it for Dec and the Mad Hatters Party, your idea, I might add!
Jo x
Oo that's fab Paul - I love it! X
After reading your FB post, I had to run straight here to read the reviews : ) Beautiful work on your book and all I can say is I've seen more than my share of true artists wipe away hours of paint for shiny gold....beautiful work xx
Good on you for sticking with your conviction and wiping off the blue because this is just STuNNiNG! The embellishments really do look amazing. It was great fun having you in the class, and hope you can make it again for another one - I can promise it will be just as mad, although likely to have less double entendres since we won't be using any metal tools lol
Wow! How long did you spend polishing that metal up?
The texture and design look better without the colour though, nice one :)
Wow the book looks fantastic! so neat! ..gorgeous!
Love it Paul, what more can I say
Stunning! It looks just wonderful, and love your fastening too. Clean and simple is clearly making its way into all corners of your life! Good luck with the lettuce ... :(
Nice to meet you on Saturday...hope them lot were not too barking for you! Your book is gorgeous....loved it before but adore it now!
Hope to see you again soon!
The Cubby Hole is my local craft shop run by my friend (of over 25 years!!!eek)Carol when I am in the UK!! I have also done that workshop with Sarah and it is a god one....love the industrial feel to your book, sounds like a good time was had by all.
Absolutely STUNNING! Love it, it's FAB!! I want one now lol
Ooooo I'm loving this. X
Paul this is stunning - and I agree with going for the simplistic gold look- it ensures that there is no distraction from all the embossing.
Outstanding, Paul!
Hugs, Pat Smith
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