
Wednesday, 4 February 2009

No stopping me now

Another two LOs, what's going on here? I'm obviously getting my energy and mojo back. The first is my 12 of 12 for January this year. It was a Monday and in all truth, not a lot happened. Thankfully, February 12th is looking up but its more by coincidence than by plan as I'm hopefully heading off to Harrogate to see Tim Holtz. Will make for a more memorable day to produce a LO with. The second LO is from the first Xmas Nick & I held at our home. I've only just come across these photos and Mum's red velvet top caused me no end of problems in photoshop. Velvet is just so NOT photoshop friendly! And though it's a festive LO, I really didn't want to go the normal red & green colour route. The golds and reds were much warmer and appropriate to the colours in the photos. Both Dad & I have been digging out all the old transparencies and scanning them into digital format so I'll have quite a few more of Mum. I think it's sparked by her recent rapid decline with Alzheimer's. For both Dad & I, the photos such as the one's in this Xmas LO remind us of the person who was chubby, giggly, daft and just plain great fun, laughing all the time. Right, off to design some more LOs and see if I can keep up this productive streak (haha no chance!)


Michele said...

Lovin' the photos you've used for the 12 of 12 - very professional looking! Think the colours you've chosen for the Christmas LO work beautifully. It's nice to record family traditions and the happy memories they evoke, especially with your Mum's decline - it brings home what scrapbooking is all about.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, these are delish! Love how you're recording and documenting your Mum's life (don't forget to keep taking photos of her - it's still her, just a different her sometimes). And your 12 of 12 has great style. Noticing the emphasis, the threes, the equal margins ... great to see you on a roll! xx alexa

Anonymous said...

Just to say I like the new blog look! xx alexa

Jemma said...

oops forgot to say love the new blog look, way too technical for me though!

Jemma said...

OMG my first post didnt work, why am i such a technical idiot!! I love your LOs i love the fact that you didnt go traditional on christmas LO!!! i also love the fact you keept up with the 12 on 12th!!! BTW cant wait to see your feb photos and what you make with Tim, just remember that any top tips HAVE to be shared with teamies ;). Im really really sorry to hear you mam has alzheimer's its really hard watching someone go through it. Love and big hugs!! xx