Today's object on show is the choice of daily paper in our house. On weekdays I wake first, so I wash, dress, put the kettle on and grab my coat, shoes and keys, then wander down to the local shop, and collect The Guardian. At weekends, it's delivered to the door.
I look at the row of papers in the shop and my heart sinks at the mountainous stack of red tops and tabloids on sale. And then there's The Guardian, hidden away near the back. Our shop stocks anywhere between one and four copies at the most, per day. I shake my head at the idea of all those copies of the Daily Star, or horror of horrors, The Daily Mail, being bought, read and even worse, opinions being formed upon the articles within. I realise I'm a snob when it comes to reading matter. The bestsellers tend to be the lowest common denominator. So, you won't find me dirtying my hands on a red top, nor the current number one novels (as I write, this year's is 50 Shades of Grey, I rest my case & weep), nor the magazines with soap stars on the covers.
The Guardian, instead has more of an artsy leaning, it's the choice of theatrical actors, as a stereotyped example. It's not a perfect paper but it's articles and opinions are generally thought provoking and most news is reported without sensationalism (though it can be a bit smug sometimes). And the best reason for buying it? The quick crossword. I leave Nick to solve the cryptic version whilst I tackle the so-called easier puzzle. Most days I complete about three quarters of it but there are times when I only manage a handful and then there are those rare, delightful days when I complete it (to which I often find myself saying Oh it must be an easy one this time).
Until tomorrow...
when I was growing up my parents took the Guardian (lovingly known as the Grauniad due to its frequent typos) in the week and the Observer on Sunday. Best papers on the market bar none.
Not that I buy a physical newspaper any more, but I do have the Grauniad app on my phone which I read daily.
We always liked it because it used to be known as The Manchester Guardian (or Gruniad! as Sarah says) - a great antidote to the rest of the southern-centric press! Well done on the crossword skills :).
I don't read the newspaper a lot. But did use it for a abstract project for one of my art classes, in college. It made a good background for it.
I mainly read the newspaper online now more then ever before. I think I like looking at a "hard copy" of a paper in my hand then on a computer, lol.
Thanks for popping in to my blog, Paul. I'm enjoying seeing your life's snapshots in your Telling Objects and wonder what else you'll come up with over the next days and weeks.
Dave, sadly, gets the Daily Express for the sport but I do like the crossword/ target etc., especially the Sunday supplement biggy. The rest of the paper is tripe! We guess the front page topic each day and usually correctly too. Constantly they have a health scare...a don't eat this or that warning then two weeks later it states DO eat this or that for a miracle cure or to live longer!!! Oh, I'm boring myself now thinking of it!
Love Jo x
Early bird, eh? Must admit, I do like the Guardian, but I don't read newspapers at all now. I used to steal the Cryptic Crossword page from Dad's Mail when he was still in England but now I boringly buy Crossword books instead xxx
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