
Monday, 14 July 2014

Digging It: Kohlrabi from Garden to Plate

We've had a lovely weekend entertaining a guest. One of Nick's closest and dearest friends. Whilst the pair of them went off on excursions together, I relaxed at home and made headway with a couple of DIY projects (which I will share when complete). Yes, my normally pristine hands have been sanding, priming and painting. On top of that, my nails have had further insult to injury by being plunged into dirt to harvest these lovelies

Our Kohlrabis were now all grown to the size of tennis balls and in need of harvesting. As you can see, we produced two varieties, purple and green. And because we planted the seedlings all at the same time rather than staggering them, we now have all twenty to eat up in the coming couple of weeks.

Good job I've found plenty of interesting recipes. The first of which we trialled on Saturday. Kohlrabi Fritters.

After peeling and grating them, they are drained of their moisture before adding to a mix of egg and breadcrumbs, plus a few chilli flakes. They are rolled into balls as you can see here

Flattened in a frying pan of hot oil, using a spatula

And voila, delicious, if ever so slightly naughty, fritters. And yes, it's like you've heard from everyone else who's grown their own produce. They do indeed taste better when you've gone from garden to plate. It's the smug self satisfaction that you've successfully grown and harvested organic vegetables and not killed them off or had them snacked upon by slugs and snails first.

Previous to these, my only other gardening success had been growing salad cress in an empty egg shell, decorated and filled with cotton wool. I was about six or seven. Is this a sign that I'm now well into my middle age? :D


Michele said...

Wow that's pretty impressive - the fritters look gorgeous! x

Julie S said...

I've never known what to do with kohlrabi. These look delicious!

Lindsay Mason said...

Well done Paul! The Kohlrabi looked beautiful before AND after you cooked them.My veg don't seem to be doing quite so well this year but I'm definitely going to try those spaghetti squash next year - yummy!
Can't wait to see what you're up to in the DIY department! Lindsay xxx

Neet said...

Impressive or what? Had some home grown potatoes at CB's yesterday and they tasted SO GOOD. Know just what you mean.
Never tasted this veg of yours and would not have a clue what to do with it - maybe a trip to the local market is on the cards.
Hugs, Neet xx