
Thursday, 1 January 2015

Out With the Old and In With the New. Words, That Is.

Hello Dear-hearts

Happy New Year! It's time for those resolutions to be made and eventually dropped. For me, it's where I say goodbye to the word I chose for 2014, Adventure. I may not have continued blogging about it (like resolutions, this tended to fizzle out) but I did live by it all year.

I didn't throw myself off any cliff faces or climb Kilimanjaro. Adventure, for me, is something less ambitious. I defined it as any new experience I tried. Whether it was a holiday in Switzerland or eating Grouse, it all counted. And trying to find something new to do all year round kept life interesting. My photo album for 2014 definitely makes me smile with all the memories made.

So how about 2015? Well I think I knew what it was going to be a while ago. But then I had a wobble and other words popped into my brain as candidates. All good ideas, I hasten to add but after some deliberation, my original idea remained strong.

So my One Little Word for 2015 is....


It's one of those words which not only pertains to colour but also to energy. I don't mean just in crafts and creativity either. I want to inject vibrancy into as many areas of my life as I can. After all, isn't that the idea behind One Little Word? So I'll be bringing a vibrant theme to my clothes, health, lifestyle, career, home, food, sketchbooks, photography and wherever else I can conjure it up.

I'm not planning on a regular check in on here. That doesn't last. What does work is if it seeps in and I post about it at intervals. Every so often, I'll hopefully have something to post about and I'll refer it to my word of the year.

So how about you? Are you thinking about a word for the year? Is this something you do every year or will this be your first time? Or is it a bit too esoteric for your tastes? Whichever it is, I hope you'll enjoy seeing how my year pans out, with the one I've chosen.


alexa said...

Hi Paul and what a great word :). Lots of possibilities there, and your adventure really did last throughout the year. I smiled when I saw your word because I had considered it myself but I've been drawn to 'exuberant': we'll have to meet up!

Craftychris said...

Fab word for the year and stunning card to match! I don't make resolutions- too hard to keep! I may try and think of a word though! Good luck with yours, it sounds fun! xxx

kjjc said...

Gosh how,did I miss that. It's beautiful.