Fortunately, the second and third tasks for filling the Art Journal in Jessica Sprague's Inspiration Everywhere class were quick and easy. Just a matter of altering the size and colour of the downloaded files. Then all I had to do was think about the dedication I wished to write and a favourite song lyric. I printed everything onto paper, cut the items out and stuck them down. Bish, bash, bosh it's all done.
Very nicely done, Paul. I love your work.
Hugs, Pat
That book looks fab Paul, you clever thing
Ooh "likey likey". Love how this is progressing Paul.
These are lovely Paul. Thank you so much for my gorgeous birthday card, what a lovely surprise. X
You are really steaming ahead with this, Paul! I have abandoned hope of doing anything on it. Love the way you are altering the files to stamp your own identity on it ...
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