
Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Back wth some Cards

I've been quiet on the blogging front because I've been quiet on the arty crafting front. I've spent the last week nursing a sick elderly pet and then having to do the kindest thing and take him to the vet one last time. So I haven't exactly been in the spirit to make anything. However, time heals and to replace the grief are fond memories. I will make a little book to remember him by - it's at times as these that this passion for arts & crafts finds its way to help and comfort.

Last night I went to an arts & crafts class which I've recently joined and am thoroughly enjoying. We've been making paper beads (the easy bit) and crafting them into jewellery (the not so easy bit). I kept threading the beads then throwing them down on the table and de-threading them. I will persevere mind and make something with them and plonk onto here. In the meantime, I've been knocking out a few cards that have been required which I've tried to photograph using a white sheet. One word for that idea - yeurghh! Need to think again before employing a white background.

More classes tonight as I trot off to visit my favourite art teacher, Steve abbott who is wonderful with watercolours (unlike me) and who encourages me to sketch and draw.


Anne said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your pet. They are family, and, like losing family, a grief that seems to stay close to heart. Take care

Eileen said...

Sorry to hear about your cat, Paul. Even though you know it was the right decision, it's never easy. I bet any memory book you make is luscious and will make you smile! Hope you both have a good Sunday - and nothing too healthy for lunch!

Hels Sheridan said...

Oh Paul, I am so sorry to learn of your loss hun, sending you big is a dreadful thing that we pet owners have to do, but it is the kindest....bless you hun and hugs xxx

June said...

Sorry to hear you lost your pet, a alittle book will be a nice way to remember him.
Found your blog via Hels and your art work is super, I will be keeping an eye out for the next installment. Just enjoy the sketching and drawing.

Anonymous said...

I know only too well what you must be going through. I did a memory book for my last little cat and shed endless tears whilst it was in the making. Now, I love looking through it - so good luck with it.
I'll give you a big hug when I see you to say how sorry I am - but no words or we'll both end up in tears.