
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

31 Days 2013 - Inspired Patterns - Day One

Last year, in October, I joined in with The Nesting Place blog and created a post every day on a particular theme. In 2012, I came up with Telling Objects where I photographed and wrote about objects in my life, which told a story about me in some way.

I nearly wasn't going to join in this year as it's quite a commitment and I couldn't think up an idea that wouldn't take up more than an hour each day. Well, at the very last minute, I did come up with one. Yesterday evening in fact. So I've had to rush in order to start. It's taken longer than an hour but hopefully now that I've begun, it should be a little easier each day.

But we'll see.

Anyway, my theme for 2013 is...

What do I mean by inspired patterns? Well, my idea (and it may sound a bit self-indulgent) is to challenge myself to look around me and find inspiration for turning something I find, into a digital pattern. 

What do I mean?

Well for instance, here's an old cloth cap of mine (for when I'm channeling my granddad's style).

When I looked closely at the knitted pattern around the edge

I saw a pattern which became

Which then became

and finally, was printed out and used in a card

That's what I'm hoping to do throughout October. To keep it easy, I'll probably use the same card design for showcasing each pattern. However, I may change things up as I go along.

I hope you won't mind that I'll be indulging my love of design and especially patterns throughout this month. If not, normal service resumes again in November :)

Thanks for popping by


Michele said...

I love the design you have created. Very interesting reading where you get your inspiration from x

Unknown said...

Love this design Paul,am looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the next 30 days! Take care.

kjjc said...

What a fab idea and I think the card you have produced from it is lovely.

Neet said...

Coming up with something like this "who would mind?" What a splendid idea Paul and what a wonderful end product. That card is lovely and I envy you your computer design skills so much.
Thanks for sharing - look forward to seeing more (and you at weekend).
Hugs, neet xx

Michelle said...

Awesome idea, awesome pattern, and fabulous card! I wish I had even a clue of how to start in making a pattern on a computer, any pattern. I'm in awe of you right now. ;-)

alexa said...

Just wonderful - what a superb challenge to yourself. And I bet you'll end up with a collection you could make Into scrapbook papers! This one is already a keeper :).

Kay Wallace said...

Off to a handsome result right out of the box, Paul! I love the card and look forward to its transformations! This, indeed, is a huge commitment, but one that will drive your creative forces! You go!