
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Inspired Patterns - Day Nine

My body is telling me to sleep. But I will not be defeated. I am a typical complete-ist. I would rather ensure I post a pattern every day and not miss a single day, than give in to whatever else is going on.

As I type, there's a fly buzzing around my head which is bugging the heck out of me. I haven't the will to swipe at it with my plastic blue swatter that is say by my feet. I'm keeping myself awake with some wonderfully upbeat europop playing in the background on my iTunes player. It's perfectly trashy and I love it!

I turned to Pinterest again today. I saw this.

Which inspired me to create this

Which became

It's turned out really well but I can see that this shape and it's elements can be played around with further. My gut feeling is telling me there's an even funkier design to be tweaked out of this pattern shape. One to come back to at a later day after I've gone though the 31 day challenge perhaps?

Thanks for dropping by


Neet said...

The final design looks a little like butterflies or are my varifocals acting up on me again.
Like what you have done with this and the colour and its tones looks good. Perhaps you can make a paper pad when all 31 are done?
Neet xx

Kay Wallace said...

Paul, this is definitely a pattern that makes one go, "Hmmmmmmmmmm?" When I first looked at your final pattern, I didn't see the original pattern at all! I saw a capital letter I. Then, when I looked at it again, it was that original hourglass shape that I saw first! What's with the dual images I see? Perhaps more tweaking isn't really necessary. This is pretty darn cool!!

Monika Reeck said...

even you are not feel better you made a nice design paper...take a rest better Paul and the post can wait till you are getting better..I was sorry didnt read your last post...hope tomorrow you are more better...send warm hugs from a blogland friend in Munich... :)

Unknown said...

Great that you are generating new ideas that you can pick up again later.