I'm over half way! This is scheduled for Wednesday but I've actually designed this on Sunday. I did say I wouldn't be touching the computer but I couldn't help myself. Nick's home from hospital and watching the Formula 1 racing, so I thought I'd use the time to create another pattern.
I went easy on myself today and chose something nice and simple...
Just some overlapping circles...
Which creates a pattern like this
It may be simple to create but as is often the way. Simple is the most effective. Who can resist a bold geometric design?
Thanks for dropping by :)
It may be simple, Paul, but I would say simple elegance! I love the shading you have created digitally! Nicely choreographed! (Glad things are calming down a bit on the home front and that Nick is doing well!)
simply but lovely in blue...it is flower but it looks manly...another great design Paul...
Absolutely. Simple and bold and great to look at.
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