
Sunday, 3 August 2014

TV, Rocking Chairs & Squashes

Hello my lovely darlings,

I haven't posted any craft projects on here I know. I've gone a bit quiet. Only because I haven't created anything of note to post about. Whether it's the summery days or the humid, muggy weather, I'm not sure but I just haven't felt like sitting down and creating.

I've been drawing, sketching and designing vectors for work but in my free time, nothing! I know that we're supposed to give the impression that when, as bloggers, we aren't blogging, it's because we're off doing worthy pursuits. But I haven't. Not this time. Instead, I've been enjoying pop culture. Which is a fancy way to say, I've been watching T.V. Programmes such as the devine, RuPaul's Drag Race.

I know, I know. I'm supposed to switch it off and do something better with my time but sometimes, just giving the old brain a rest and filling it with trashy pop culture is as good as it gets. Sometimes you need to stop and fill the well folks.

Anyway, I've not been completely lazy. I've been making progress on my goal to add more colour to our humble home. So be warned...this is going to be one of those before and after transformation posts.

A while back, Nick brought home a family heirloom. A rocking chair. I have to say, I wasn't overly impressed with it on first sight. But oh, when I sat in it, it was love. Only problem was that it was in need of some repair and a complete overhaul on the upholstery. In fact you may recall me mentioning it in a post a few weeks back.

So here we go...the before shot (after the seat & back had been ripped out).

I shredded my hands sanding the chair down, what with all those awkward curves. I gave it a couple of coats of undercoat and then the exciting part. I took it out into the garden and let loose with around three cans of spray paint.

The upholstery required a professional, so the painted chair was left in the capable hands of a chap whose shop is just across the road. I chose the fabric & trim and left him to it.

A few days later and looked what arrived back...

Isn't that so much better? I squealed and nearly wet myself when it was brought into the house. I'm still giddy with excitement at how fabulous it now looks. It's my pride and joy. It's now sitting proudly in the bedroom where it is perfectly positioned for me to sit and read in the evenings, rocking away like a modern day grandpa.

And finally, an update...

My little seeds are growing up. Yes, my Spaghetti Squashes are finally bearing fruit. In a month or two we should have a crop of fully grown, ready to eat veggies. I'm intrigued to see their resemblance to spaghetti strands once cooked. My carb-free spagbol is nearly here.


kjjc said...

I'm not surprised you squealed. I would have. That chair is just then end. Two of my fave colours together-gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What a marvellous job you've done with the rocking chair - looking pretty and back in use. As it should be.

I'm with you on the TV watching. While it was uber-hot, (which does not go well with MS - me - or being off sick from work - DH), we watched several series from Sky Box Sets. All guilty pleasures - Jon Hamm in Mad Men! - and all switch-off medicine, as my dear Mum says.

Michele said...

Wow, that's gorgeous, Paul - definitely worth all the hard work! X

Shirley A. said...

Sure love the new look for the rocker! Great job. Am really missing the inspiration I get from your work but love the garden updates!

Neet said...

Wow Paul - that is some transformation. I can just imagine that chair against a delicate aqua wall. Maybe with one of my vivid Brusho paintings on.
I know what you mean about the lack of crafting because of the weather - I am exactly the same and have enjoyed reading so much these past few weeks.
Hugs, Neet xx

Unknown said...

That's a joyous post Paul. I can just see you now rocking in that chair!

alexa said...

Wow, that's a colourful eyeful, Paul! All that hard work paid off. You are going to want another one in front of the telly for winter :).